WIR HIER: Artikel von Geflüchteten und Menschen, die schon länger hier leben

Frequently asked questions on WIR HIER

Who is WIR HIER intended for?

WIR HIER is intended to be read by all those who are interested in inter-cultural exchange. This could be refugees or people who have lived in Germany a long time or who have always lived here. WIR HIER is read not only in Norderstedt but all over Germany.

What does WIR HIER wish to achieve?

We would like people from different cultures to get to know more about one another. WIR HIER can help people from different cultures to communicate with one another about what is important to them. WIR HIER is also a platform for creativity and artistic expression. WIR HIER does not want to be an advisory guide or an address book.

Who writes for WIR HIER?

Refugees and people who have lived in Germany a long time or who have always lived here write for WIR HIER.

Can young people also write for WIR HIER?

Yes, young people can also write for WIR HIER. Our youngest author up till now was 14 years old.

Do I get paid for making a contribution to WIR HIER?

No, contributions to WIR HIER are not paid. WIR HIER can only exist because those who produce it are volunteers working on an honorary basis.

What does „honorary“ mean?

If you work on an honorary basis, it means that you commit yourself, your time and your energy to serve a strong community, without receiving any money for it. You do it for religious or humanitarian reasons or because of a feeling of responsibility for the community.

What advantages do I have when I write for WIR HIER?

When your write for WIR HIER, you show that you take integration seriously. If you are a refugee: Commitments on an honorary basis make a good impression on people in official positions of authority in government departments.

What themes can I write about for WIR HIER?

You can write about all the things which move you and which you think are interesting for other people. It could be things you have noticed, things you like doing or things you have experienced. You could also write about your dreams, your worries and your hopes, particularly in literary form.

Can I write my contribution to WIR HIER in my native language?

We accept articles in Arabic, German, English, Farsi, French, Kurmanci, Russian, Tigrinya and Turkish. They are translated into German for publication in WIR HIER. In the online version of WIR HIER, HTTPS://magazin.willkommen-team.org we also publish contributions in the original languages.

Who must I contact if I want to write for WIR HIER or submit examples of my artistic work?

Send an e-mail to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! or get in touch with the Willkommen Team or the Diakonie.

Do I have to take part in the editorial meetings of WIR HIER if I want to write an article?

No, nobody has to take part in the editorial meetings of WIR HIER if they want to write an article. Simply write a text and send it to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.

Can I take part in an editorial meeting for WIR HIER if I want to get to know more about the work involved?

Yes, of course you can take part in an editorial meeting. Just get in touch with Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! to arrange a date.

Who is in the editorial team responsible for WIR HIER?

At the moment the editorial team consists of refugees, members of the Willkommen Team Norderstedt, www.willkommen-team.org, a journalist from Norderstedt and some people from the Diakonie who are responsible for the Diakonie project “Partizipieren statt resignieren”, www.diakonie-hhsh.d.

Can I be a member of the editorial team of WIR HIER even if I don’t yet speak German very well?

The working language of the meetings is German. But Arabic, English, Kurmanci etc. are also spoken. There is usually someone there who can translate.

How does the editorial team of WIR HIER work?

The members of the editorial team meet ever four weeks. The chief editors are a member of the Diakonie www.diakonie-hhsh.de and a representative of the Willkommen-Team Norderstedt www.willkommen-team.org. In addition the members of the editorial team distribute the magazine at events.

Are the members of the editorial team paid for their work?

The members of the editorial team are not paid for their work. They work on an honorary basis. One exception is the member of the Diakonie. She works full-time for the Diakonie project “Partizipieren statt resignieren“ and therefore is paid for her work.

What advantages do I have when I write for WIR HIER?

As a member of the editorial team you are a member of a group of people from various countries of origin. You then have a say in what themes are dealt with in WIR HIER. You show that you take integration seriously. If you are a refugee: Commitments on an honorary basis make a good impression on people in official positions of authority in government departments.

Why is WIR HIER printed on such high quality paper?

We want the magazine to be taken seriously. We don’t want the magazine to be thrown away like advertising. In addition, reproductions of pictures, paintings etc. create a better effect on high-quality paper.

Because WIR HIER is printed on such good paper, it still looks good even after it has been read two or three times. So you can pass it on to someone else when you have read it yourself. Or you can keep it and read it again later.

Who does the layout and who is responsible for the website?

Both tasks are carried out by volunteers: the layout is done by someone from the Willkommen team, the website is dealt with by a refugee.

How many copies of WIR HIER are printed?

2.000 copies are always printed. In addition you can read the magazine on the Internet or download it as a PDF file, e.g. under https://magazin.willkommen-team.org.

How often does WIR HIER appear?

WIR HIER appears four times a year: in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Who are the publishers of WIR HIER?

WIR HIER is published by the Willkommen-Team Norderstedt e.V. www.willkommen-team.org and by the Diakonie Hamburg-West/Südholstein www.diakonie-hhsh.de

Do the publishers earn money with WIR HIER?

No, the publishers earn no money with WIR HIER.

How is WIR HIER financed?

Many people are so impressed by WIR HIER that they donate money to it. WIR HIER is financed by such private donations and by the financial support of the German Television Lottery.

Why is WIR HIER not financed by advertising?

The financing of WIR HIER is guaranteed by private donations and by the German Television Lottery. For this reason advertising revenue is not necessary, and this is a good thing. Advertising revenue would compel us to adhere exactly to planned publication deadlines. We cannot guarantee deadlines, however, because most of the work is done on an honorary basis and because sometimes we are still waiting for contributions.

Why are the WIR HIER magazines given away free and not sold?

Because the magazine is given away free (it is distributed, for example, in the town library, the Adult Education Centre, the Town Hall and the town museum), it reaches very many more people than it would if we sold it. In addition, selling it would make far more work (sales personnel, book-keeping etc.)

How are the supporters listed on the back page of WIR HIER involved in the production of the magazine?

The German Television Lottery finances through the project “Partizipieren statt resignieren“ the member of the Diakonie, who is one of the editorial team. In addition it takes over half of the printing costs. The town library and the Adult Education Centre are the Willkommen-Team‘s co-operation partners and support its work in a practical way.

Are reader’s letters also published in WIR HIER?

We would be delighted to receive your praise, constructive criticism, suggestions or comments. You can send them to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!. We will certainly reply to them. If it is possible we will also publish your reader’s letter in the following edition of WIR HIER.

WIR HIER Herausgeber

Willkommen-Team Norderstedt e.V. und
Flüchtings und Migrationsarbeit Norderstedt in Trägerschaft des Diakonischen Werks Hamburg-West/ Südholstein.

Fadens Tannen 30, 22844 Norderstedt
E-Mail: magazin@willkommen-team.org
Tel: 040 / 63861261


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